About 101 Green and Clean
101 Green and Clean is dedicated to helping people help our planet and live healthier lives, brought to you by Cristin Patterson of MusicianTip.com.
That’s me, and like you, I’m learning all I can to live a greener, healthier life!
I’m Not A Scientist
… just a stay-at-home-working mom of two young children with a diabetic husband, learning to live more responsibly and teaching my family healthy habits.
I love nature and healthy food. My husband – not so much! He is awestruck by Alaska and outer space, but won’t be strolling through gardens to “stop and smell the roses” with me any time soon (he breaks out in hives around freshly-mowed grass…etc.)! I still have high hopes for my children, though, who love bugs, birds, snakes … and the great outdoors. : )
Sorting Through Conflicting Reports
Humankind thrives on controversy and hype is spread virally around the globe, which is why I want to help anyone who will listen to sort through conflicting claims about what’s bad for the planet and what’s good (not much, right?) and what’s good for our bodies and what’s not.
Following are all claims that have many of us confused and feeling in a panic. Are they true? Some, yes – some, no.
- A recent study shows evidence that a key ingredient in sunscreen causes cancer …
- Diet Soda, which helps people lose weight (and thus be healthier) causes cancer….
- Global warming is causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, armageddon …!
- Sugar should be avoided at all costs, especially for diabetics…
Some are based on studies of only a few people (or lab animals – gasp!) without enough follow-up to warrant making drastic changes to our daily habits. Others are worthy of making us sit up and take action to make positive changes in our lives.
I Am Searching For Answers To Share With You
Where there are no answers I will find as much info as possible about these troubling topics and offer an “educated” opinion about how to take the “Greenest and Cleanest” action.
I Am NOT A Fanatic
Let’s be real.
To truly be “green” we’d all (all mankind) be living in twig huts, or whatever we could use to build a shelter from our natural surroundings, somehow without stripping the land at the same time. We would not be driving cars, flying in airplanes, or riding on locomotives. We would not buy anything manufactured at a plant that creates pollution exhaust. We would consume nothing that must be thrown into a landfill …etc!
But…I do think we can all make small changes that add up to a better balance between wildlife, natural habitats and man-made city dwellings and urban sprawl.
To be “clean” has more to do with our diets and things we’re exposing our bodies to. Again – not a fanatic, not a vegan, just Mommy trying to make it through the grocery store with the satisfaction of having made healthy choices for the family.
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